Chloe’s background is in communications and influencing roles in the voluntary and community sector. Following roles in Parliament and political consultancy, Chloe set up the public affairs team at St Mungo’s – a London-based homelessness organisation. From there she moved to the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) where she played a key role in […]

Chandani is the Finance, Operations and Communications Officer at Access, providing staff and governance support for the Access team. Chandani also manages the organisation’s online and social media presence including managing Access’s website and newsletters, and assists on a range of financial duties. Prior to joining Access, Chandani worked in the hospitality industry specialising in […]

Ana is a Senior Programme Manager at Access, managing relationships with various social investment funds within the Emergency Lending Programme and Growth Fund Programme Portfolio. Ana also works alongside Access’s partners on initiatives including the Enterprise Development Programme as part of our enterprise development work. Prior to joining Access, Ana was an Investment Officer at […]

Chris Welch is the Interim Director of Finance & Operations at Access. He will be in post until Chris Coghlan returns from his career break in May 2021 Chris W is a New Zealander who has been living in the UK for over 20 years, for most of that period working as a Finance Director […]

Chris Coghlan is Director of Finance & Operations at Access. Chris has almost a decades experience in the charity sector as founder of Grow Movement, a UK charity which has improved the lives of 50,000 people in sub-Saharan Africa by training micro-entrepreneurs over mobile phone. Chris qualified as Chartered Accountant with Deloitte before working in […]

Neil is Director of Programmes at Access. Neil’s background is in Community Enterprise, combining 8 years running a Community Development Trust in Sheffield, followed by 12 years working for the national network body Locality where he advised and supported frontline organisations and developed national programmes of enterprise support.  His most recent role with Locality was […]

Helena is the Head of Blended Finance at Access, overseeing a number of programmes. Helena also works alongside Access’s partners on initiatives including the Reach Fund and Good Finance as part of our enterprise development work. Helena joined Access in May 2016 as Finance, Operations and Communications Officer, before moving into the Programme Manager role […]