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Access endowment delivers strong social impact and market returns
Access – The Foundation for Social Investment has published its latest Endowment Impact Report. The report reveals that in 2023 35% of its endowment was directly invested in UK-based charities and social enterprises. In total, 53% of Access’s portfolio was allocated to organisations driving significant social impact. This demonstrates that it is possible to generate […]

News on the Dormant Assets Scheme
The government has reconfirmed the release of £87.5 million from the Dormant Assets Scheme to support community organisations struggling to access mainstream finance. This includes £12.5 million for organisations that support improved youth outcomes. Over the next four years, thousands of trading charities, social enterprises, co-operatives, and other community enterprises will benefit from the scheme. […]

Access responds to the outcome of the UK General Election
We look forward to working alongside all elected representatives across national, regional and local government to deliver tangible economic and social change at pace by supporting charities and social enterprises that take entrepreneurial approaches to tackling social problems and creating jobs and growth. Reflecting on the outcome of the UK General Election, Seb Elsworth, chief […]

Access publishes new Impact Report detailing approach to aligning money with mission
Access – The Foundation for Social Investment (‘Access’) has published its latest impact report looking at the investment of their endowment, the social and environmental impact it has generated and the financial return. Access was given a £60 million endowment by Government in 2015 to spend over ten years on funding programmes which help charities […]
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