Homeless Link, the national membership organisation for homelessness and supported housing agencies, is launching a £4.5 million Social Investment Fund for charities and social enterprises across England working to reduce homelessness. The programme is the first of its kind exclusively for the homelessness sector and one of very few sector-specific funds in existence. Homeless Link […]

Four new social investors have been approved to work with the Reach Fund, a £4m investment readiness grant fund. Approved investors, known as ‘Access Points’, can refer charities and social enterprises to apply for investment readiness grants. The new ‘Access Points’ are First Ark Group, Plymouth City Council, Bridges Fund Management and the Arts Impact […]

The Impact Loans England programme is now available to social enterprises and charities across England with £5 million to lend over the next three years. The funding is available to organisations making a positive difference in their communities, with a focus on providing working capital, hiring new talent, or progressing with business development plans. Daniel […]

Major new grant programme to help charities and social enterprises access social investment, funded by Access – The Foundation for Social Investment Fund is designed to work closely with social investors to simplify the process for charities and social enterprises. Ten social investors will participate initially Access announces that Social Investment Business will deliver the […]

First Ark has announced the launch of its first Social Investment Fund for the North West aimed at offering finance to early stage and growing social businesses. The £4m fund is the third to be supported by Access through the Growth Fund and will further increase the impact of the North West region’s social economy, […]